Once you have created your budget, if you haven’t already, you will be able to see exactly how much you need to pay your bills at the very least. Budgets are the road map to your goals. It will show you your areas of opportunity so you can then decided how to spend your money.
- Try Bartering
If bartering sounds scary to you because you have to negotiate then you should definitely try it! Bartering is coming back. Try it at the local farmers market, Facebook Marketplace or craft fairs near you during holiday season.
2. Negotiating For a Raise
Negotiating sometimes scares people too but I say put yourself out there and know your worth. Negotiating should be about you being more valuable than they assessed you previously.
3. DIY Projects
Go on Pinterest or YouTube and check out some Do It Yourself projects that you can do instead of purchasing something for a significant amount more.
4. Meal Prep
Buy groceries instead of eating out and plan out your weekly menu. If you don’t like meal prepping then cook every night. Make it fun with the kids or a bonding thing for you and your significant other. Make your coffee at home and take your lunch to work. Every dollar has a purpose and those areas of opportunity are only taking away what you could be saving towards your long term goals.
5. Use Cash Back Apps
One that comes to mind is Ebates.com. You get a percentage of your purchases back in cash. My mom loves that app and uses it everywhere. She’s an online shopper and she says there is usually a coupon for every place she wants to shop at. Might want to check it out.
6. Eat More Meatless Meals
Meat is at a ridiculous price right now because of the pandemic and I definitely try and substitute it if I can. I love bacon and chicken but I am not so much a red meat eater. Things I substitute my meat for are eggplant, beans, or mushrooms.
These are just a few ways I can recommend looking into. Living below your means doesn’t have to be gross. It can actually be quite satisfying getting a good deal.
And for more helpful tips and support, join my Taxes, Bookkeeping & Financial Wellness Group on Facebook! You can ask all your questions there.